Sunday, January 3, 2016

Another Disappearing Act—NOT

AnnBanan is known for her mischievous antics—stealing a drink of wine, grabbing mascara and hiding it in her blanket, drinking my coffee,  and taking a longer than necessary stroll when she is distracted. This morning the herd of dogs scampered out for their morning pee and one-by-one returned for their much anticipated, breakfast. That is, everyone but Banan. We called and we called, until I finally resorted to driving the neighborhood with the windows rolled down and the treat jar ringing out her favorite tune (who let the dogs out). Nothing. . .I suspect she’s on a run or worse yet, nose-deep in a trash bag left out by an unsuspecting neighbor. But, everyone on Katie Jean Circle knows her capabilities and are careful not to leave anything lying around that might tempt her. The temperature is warmer than normal this morning and we have a dusting of new snow.  No real reason to hurry home when it’s so comfortable outside. Now, if it’s raining? Well, a quick pee and she’s back inside, pronto.

After well over an hour, I knew something was definitely up. I got dressed with the intent of cruising East Hill Road in the event she took a hike—last summer we found her scurrying up the highway, distraught. She had wandered so far that she became disoriented in search of home—that was when she was gone four hours! Because of her quirky behavior, it is suspected that this California girl, with the slightest head-tilt, may actually have a neurological issue. But, she is smarter and more conniving than the average dog so I have my doubts. It would be just like her to use this to her advantage, fooling us all. 

Ready to head out, I go upstairs to get my boots. Opening the closet door, I am shocked to see her sweet little face—not sure why I’m so surprised, this has happened more than once. Obviously, when I got up and grabbed my sweatshirt out of the closet, her nose lead her inside and the door was shut before she got out. She is now sitting pretty, looking up at me as if to say: ‘What took you so long, this time?’ Oh Anne, you are known to get locked in closets and remain totally silent while I run the neighborhood calling your name, pleading for you to come home, threatening you, if you don’t—basically, freaking out. The closet AGAIN, why didn’t I think of that?

We are so relieved to see your smiling face, especially the dogs! It means breakfast can finally be served at TBTB Dog Camp—where all dogs are special!  Woof! Woof!

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