Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Nineteen Dogs - Seriously?

Okay, so TBTB Dog Camp has finally reached the max in doggie numbers. It was Salmon Stock weekend - a music festival in Ninilchik. I think most of Homer town was there enjoying the music in torrential rain on Saturday, and drying out in the beautiful sunshine with more music on Sunday.

Having 18 dogs for the weekend was a bit overwhelming to say the least! But it’s the Law of Attraction - it's like seeing myself with 18 dogs and BAM - here I am. To make it really interesting I took another one on Sunday morning for the day. A lovely little mini-Schnauzer with Cushing’s disease – how could I possibly say No? Sophie #2 brought the count up to a grand total of 19 and holding.

In order to get the herd to settle in for the evening, I have to sit down at the kitchen table to write this and not move much. You can hear a pin drop right now, well almost except for Gato Barbieri and his Sax. However, if I even move an inch at this point of course everyone will be up and ready - for what I don't know since they are all still drenched from their last quick pee in the downpour, and so am I.

It's the aroma of wet dog mixed with California white sage that currently fills my nostrils. As I sit writing on the computer with my glass of Malbec nearby, they are everywhere - under my feet, behind my back on the chair, on either side of me on the floor, in my lap, looking over my shoulder as I type, in front of me on the floor, and behind me on the couch. DOGS in all shapes and sizes as far as the eye can see. It makes me smile to see them content to be in the moment of whatever I choose to do. Where else is everything all about me?

I can't exhale too loudly for fear of waking them up at the moment. When I do get up I will need to shuffle to walk. This is a problem. Heaven forbid I have to go upstairs for anything because they will be lined up behind me on the steps when I turn around to come back down. Whatever I need, I can live without just for the peace and quiet of the moment. It’s hilarious but some people probably think I need a therapist.
And the roster? Well there is Bear, Mikke, LeLu, Penny, Cooper, Zep, Isis, Buddy, Misha, Qimmiq, Sophie 1, Sophie 2, and Kirby, plus the resident dogs: Luce, Woody, Zippy, BunBun, Anne, & RockDog. Wheew! That should be everyone. I actually have a call list to check them off when we come in from our walks.

And, did I mention that Buddy the California boy, is so scared that he tries to climb the walls? Literally. . . I have to corral the others away from him so he can relax on top of the large crate in the dining area by the door. Of course this makes all the dogs even more curious. Buddy’s sister Misha the Keeshond stays by his side, although I can tell she would much prefer romping with the others.
This is totally ludicrous, but I'm smiling - no complaints here. My life with dogs is not only a good time, but it cracks me up. Maybe I need a bigger house?

Woof! Woof!

For anyone who thinks dogsitting sounds like a good idea, rest assured you must have a sense of humor, think like a canine, have a ton of energy stored up, and be prepared to be on your feet from sun-up to sun-down, especially when you have 19 dogs free in the house!


  1. Wonderful image! I remember doing the same. You learn a new way of walking- the dog sitter shuffle!
